Posts tagged with "Kiss"

Bass Cover #196: KISS - I'll Fight Hell To Hold You
covers · 26. August 2024
“Crazy Nights” is in my Top 3 favorite KISS albums, ok? I know too well the majority of hardcore KISS fans hate it but I don't care, I love this album. In my eyes, it's a true masterpiece produced by Ron Nevison himself. As for “I'll Fight Hell To Hold You”, I don't wanna lie, it's not my favorite song on the album but it has something... some kind of a special power, I'd say.

Bass Cover #184: KISS - All American Man
covers · 24. February 2024
It's time to cover another “Alive II” studio track and this time it's “All American Man”. Maybe not a hit but still a good Paul's song with a fun bass part. Try it!

Bass Cover #174: KISS - Strutter
covers · 11. October 2023
Classic early KISS, what else can I say? :) The bass part is damn fun like most of Gene's classic parts, so I encourage you to play the hell out of it.

Bass Cover #163: KISS - A World Without Heroes
covers · 21. February 2023
It's time for another song from that very special KISS album you either love or hate - “Music From The Elder”. “A World Without Heroes” is one of my favorite tracks from there... though I'm having a hard time choosing my favorite “Elder” songs. The whole album is just fantastic!

Bass Cover #154: KISS - Firehouse
covers · 21. November 2022
Time to play something from the first KISS album. “Firehouse” is probably my favorite song from that album, especially live. The studio version is too slow for my taste but it's still fun to play.

Bass Cover #145: KISS - All For The Glory
covers · 05. September 2022
While I can't call “Sonic Boom” my favorite KISS album I still liked it very much when it first came out in 2009. I mean the songs were far from being masterpieces but some of them were quite cool and catchy, though deep down I knew it wasn't real KISS anymore *slightly sad smile*

Bass Cover #136: KISS - Domino
covers · 13. June 2022
Simply one of the best songs on “Revenge” album and arguably also one of the best Gene's songs ever. I just love it. What else can I say? The bass part is simple yet groovy!

Bass Cover #130: GENE SIMMONS - Radioactive
covers · 07. February 2022
This is easily my favorite KISS solo album of all four... and “Radioactive” is the most KISS-like song there :) The bass has been recorded by Neil Jason and even though it wasn't Gene's playing this part is very much in his style. Amazing part! He played a completely different one during “The Return of Kiss” tour in 1979 which was an obvious step since the live version of “Radioactive” was a lot faster and harder.

Bass Cover #125: KISS - Within
covers · 06. December 2021
It won't be a popular opinion among the KISS fans but for me “Psycho Circus” is Gene's album. I mean the album was quite ok but Paul's songs here were... how could I put it... too Paul-ish? :) Dunno, but there were no real surprises on Paul's side of “Psycho Circus” - just some good tracks, 100% Stanley style. On the other hand, Gene's material for this album seemed a bit more mature and special to me. It's like Paul's song were the bread and Gene's songs appeared to be some nice...

Bass Cover #118: PETER CRISS - Don't You Let Me Down
covers · 02. September 2021
The very first self-titled solo album of Peter Criss released in 1978 (together with the first solo albums from Paul, Gene and Ace) was... hm... was nice, I guess :) I think it's one of those albums most people would either love or hate but I'd say I was somewhere in between. I mean it wasn't KISS by any means and the hardcore rock fans were clearly disappointed by this album and somehow disillusioned about Peter being an important creative force behind the band. Still, I kind of liked the...

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